A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Thursday, January 04, 2007

99 Senators

When Senator Tim Johnson, (D-SD) was struck with a brain injury causing him to require brain surgery in mid December last year, the news papers were still printing the headlines about his falling ill when the political talking heads began discussing his replacement.

Being busy with the holidays I failed to finish writing then, what I felt. So I completed it now.

I wanted to slap some of the people I heard talking about a man, stricken just hours before, being replaced, and the potential political implications. Absolutely, without a doubt, the day he falls ill is TOO soon to even discuss these things. Even had he died that very day, it would have been too soon discuss it.

My reasoning is based upon a couple of things:

First, it is morally wrong to essentially declare him incapacitated before enough time has passed to know if he is incapacitated. How long is long enough to wait? I don't have that answer, but a few hours is definitely NOT long enough. There are a couple of reasons for this moral "delay". Not to sound too much like a Christian Scientist, but when someone is injured or ill a defeatist attitude can certainly hinder their recovery. No one, regardless of political leanings, would wish Senator Johnson not to recover, or to recover slower than he otherwise would. And even if the talk does not effect the Senator's recovery, his family deserves not to have to deal with this crap the day he becomes hospitalized. So, we have a moral obligation not to discuss this now.

Second, what difference does it make today (December 15, 2006)? Congress is not in session and will not be in session again for three weeks. No legislation will be voted upon by Senator Johnson or any other senator for three weeks. So, there is no pressure to make a decision on the Senator's potential state of incapacitation for at least two or three weeks. By then we should have a much clearer picture of his condition.

Fast forward to today, January 2, 2007. Congress goes into session in two days. How is Senator Johnson's recovery progressing? Have we now waited long enough to begin to ask questions?

I hope that Senator Johnson makes a full recovery. Without regard for "hope", will he?

What is his condition? ... prognosis? Back in mid December there must have been such backlash, as well there should have been backlash, that everyone has chosen not to report on the issue at all. I have looked and can find very little on his condition. All I have found this quote from Senator Johnson's web site dated December 28, 2006:

"... "Senator Johnson's overall general medical condition has improved and he is gradually being weaned from the sedation," said Vivek Deshmukh, MD, neurosurgeon at The George Washington University Hospital. "He is opening his eyes and is responsive to his wife." It is anticipated that Senator Johnson will undergo further testing in the coming days. He remains in critical condition. ..."
This is almost exactly what was said about him within days of his hospitalization. At this point all we can do is accept what the Senator's family releases about him and the Senate will have to convene with only 99 Senators able to participate.

My prayer is that he fully recovers, and soon, so that he can do in the Senate what he was elected to do.

I hope (though I would not bet on it) that Senator Johnson is not “used”, in his condition, for political gain. I hope that Republicans do not try to use a temporary disability to try to force a soon to be capable Senator from office so that the Republican Governor can appoint a Republican replacement for him. My hope is, also, that Senator Johnson is not found to have brain damage so severe that his duties in the Senate are impossible for him to carry out. And, others, knowing this, do not deceive the rest of us into believing otherwise so that, even though he is not able to participate, the false hope of his return maintains a Democratic majority in the Senate.

This is my hope. I am not so naive to believe it will happen.

Read more about it.

Statement from the Office of Senator Johnson

Think for yourself.

Make up your own mind.


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