Call Charlie Sheen Insane, but... Part 1
My hope is that this may assist those with an open mind to listen to logic with regard to what really happened on September 11th, and then use FACTS to come to their own conclusions.
First, let's go over some of the “theories” we want to challenge. Charlie Sheen's comments, on the phone with some conspiracy theorist's radio show were, “There was a feeling, it just didn't look any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life and then when the buildings came down later on that day I said to my brother 'call me insane, but did it sorta look like those buildings came down in a controlled demolition'?” Then, to further quote Charlie Sheen, "...19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 percent of their targets: that feels like a conspiracy theory." I have only heard bits and pieces of this interview with Charlie Sheen and I never heard who he thinks were flying the planes. I suppose in Charlie Sheen's mind it is possible that the planes never hit the WTC. Perhaps it was all some Hollywood special effects which were given to the news organizations to have them play it as if they had taped it themselves. However, with all of the individual eyewitnesses I doubt that even Charlie Sheen would claim that the planes never hit at all. So that leaves two possibilities, U. S. government agents were willing to fly to their deaths to start a “war on terror”, or the theory I have heard most (though I did not hear it in the bits and pieces of Charlie Sheen's interview) is that the U. S. military took four airliners and rigged them with remote controls so as to fly them from the ground into the WTC and the Pentagon. I would expect that this theory usually holds that flight 93 which went down in Pennsylvania probably had a malfunction.
For any conspiracy to work the fewest possible number of people can know about it. Therefore, every step of the way they must do things with few people, and perhaps with some performing parts not knowing the whole. Example, perhaps the people who made the remote controls for the planes may have been told they were to be used to fly a bomber to be used for target practice. (I used bomber rather than fighter because it would be multiple engines, and have similar flight controls.)
Let's start with the planes themselves. What would have to have happened in order to do the remote controlled thing? First the planes would have to be acquired. One possibility is that the government would have bought the four planes from the airlines. If they had made duplicates some mechanic or accountant at the airline would question why they had the same number of planes after September 11th they had before, if a couple supposedly crashed into the WTC. To do this would involve dozens of executives at TWO different airlines and the transfer of millions of dollars from the government to these airlines which would involve dozens of accountants at each of TWO airlines to take care of the money. Then the planes themselves would have to be delivered to the government. This would involve dozens of mechanics, flight crews, etc. There would have to be explanations given to the mechanics and flight crews, perhaps the planes were going somewhere to be repaired, though the mechanics would probably be the ones to know where and why a repair would happen.
We have already blown the secrecy on which ALL conspiracies rely. We have at least 80 to 100 people at the airlines who know that someone took these planes. Even if most of the airline employees do not know why, they may start putting two and two together. This does not work.
So let's go back to the making duplicate planes theory since the buying of planes from the airlines has too many holes in it. So, the government buys some planes elsewhere. They could buy used planes from somewhere, though I expect that a used plane sale of that type would be hard to hide. Besides, the planes that went into the buildings were new models. If I recall most were 767s and there are probably not too many of those on the used market anyway. They could buy new ones and claim they are for retrofit into some government use planes. This is probably most plausible. Boeing would probably not question why the government bought them. Ok, so now the planes have been acquired in the only way even remotely possible.
So, let's do some math. It takes Boeing how long to make four aircraft? Well, the most recent order made by China for 60 Boeing 787s has Boeing officials claiming they should be able to deliver six of them by the summer of 2008, more than two years from now. So, if that lead time remains static... if the U. S. government purchased four new Boeing aircraft available for use on September 11th, 2001 they would have been ordered sometime around September of 1999. Therefore, if President Bush carried out some government plot to murder Americans and get us into a “war on terror” by having planes flown into buildings, the plot was devised during the Clinton administration. But this cannot be, because the only reason to make this claim is to say that republicans are bad and democrats are good. Oh well, I guess that doesn't work either.
So, let's try this one. Say, elite commandos store the remote control equipment on the actual airline planes before September 11th. Then these commandos hijacked the planes on September 11th, installed the remote control devices, and parachuted out of the planes as others remotely flew the planes into buildings. I love my country. But you could not get me to murder like that just to get us into a “war on terror”. Do you really think that enough American soldiers would do something like that, AND never tell about it later? Charlie Sheen suggested we call him insane. Well, if you believe ANY scenario in which our government COULD, let alone would, have done these hijackings you probably are insane.
One of Charlie Sheen's comments on the planes is that the second plane to hit “...just didn't look any commercial jetliner I've flown on any time in my life...” This shows how totally absurd this portion of his argument is. His comments indicate that he thinks the government flew a military bomber, or something so easily discernible from a commercial jetliner into the WTC, that HE could easily see the difference, but Boeing engineers who design and build the planes, pilots who fly and see the planes daily, mechanics who work on the planes daily, and all the other “experts” (like other people who fly on planes like Charlie Sheen) who saw the same video, have never come forward to say the same. So, in addition to being an expert on “controlled demolition” he is also one of the world's foremost experts on visual aircraft identification. With the video we have ALL seen, with thousands of copies around the world, hundreds of people have gone frame by frame, and if it were not the correct aircraft, many someones would have figured it out. With the animosity the main stream press in the U. S. has for the president they would love nothing more than to show something like that! Not to mention what the rest of the world thinks of the U. S.
The next MAJOR flaw in the theory that it was not a commercial airliner hitting the WTC is, what happened to the four real commercial airliners? What happened to their passengers and crew? Did the CIA take these planes to an undisclosed location, destroy the planes and kill the passengers and crew? As with all the other scenarios more and more people would know what really happened and SOMEONE would have told something by now.
Can you think of any other ways for the planes to have been acquired, and then used to do what they did?
Is there ANY scenario which could explain that?
Should we call Charlie Sheen “insane” as HE suggests?
Due to this post's length the “controlled demolition” part of this will be discussed in the next posting.
Read more about it...
Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story
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