A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Like Father Like Son?

As I listened to a show on the radio the host mentioned that it is commonly believed that Ted Kennedy was dui when he drove his car into Chappaquiddick, then he went to his hotel to sober up before calling the police. However, there was a woman drowning or drowned in the car as he slept. The host mentioned this incident in discussing Senator Kennedy's son recently appearing to drive dui (staggering, alcohol smell on his breath, slurred speech, and bloodshot eyes) and running his car into a concrete barrier near the Capitol. Since the police supervisors called off the officers before a sobriety test could be administered it will be difficult to prove he was or was not under the influence. If he had not had a single drink, as his later statement indicated, it would have been MUCH smarter for him to ask for a Breathalyzer or a blood test to prove his innocence. If he had been drinking the SMARTEST thing for him to do was EXACTLY what he did. Let them drive him home with no test, then wait long enough to sober up before making a statement so that there would be less proof.

A caller to the show stated that he thought the host was a hypocrite for not complaining about the Cheney shooting in a similar way and then asked the host what the difference is between Senator Kennedy's Chappaquiddick drive and Vice President Cheney's hunting accident. The host responded, though not with what I felt was the most compelling difference.

But before that difference let me clarify my position on the shooting. Since I was on a blog hiatus when the incident occurred allow me to state, for the record, that while the press was gong around complaining that it took 18 hours for the press to be informed of the shooting, I had only one complaint. Why did it take so long before the police were permitted to speak with the Vice President? As I understand it, the Secret Service did not allow an interview between Vice President Cheney and the police for many hours after the shooting. If the Vice President had been drinking at the time of the shooting he would have been sober by the time he spoke to police. I would have no problem with an hour or so for the Secret Service to set up security, check out the investigating officers, etc. but when it comes right down to it over night is far more than needed. As for the press, since the shooting occurred during the Vice President's personal time and was NOT during a part of his official duties I have no problem what so ever with an 18 hour delay in a public announcement. But there is no excuse for obstructing an investigation. If you or I had shot someone we would have been interviewed, perhaps in handcuffs, almost immediately.

Now the key difference I see between Chappaquiddick and the shooting. Vice President Cheney did not leave that lawyer to die in that field while he went to sleep it off. Mr. Kennedy left a woman drowning or dead in the car so he could go sober up, if indeed he was under the influence. If Ted Kennedy was not drunk then it makes the fact that he left that woman while he took a nap even more despicable. Perhaps, had Mr. Kennedy contacted authorities immediately they may have been able to save her. Probably not, but we will never know since Mr. Kennedy chose to do what was illegal AND immoral, and sleep it off before contacting police while a woman lay dying or dead in the car he drove into a creek.

It would appear that the Senator's son is following in dad's footsteps. He has been in drug rehab and claims to have been on prescription medications when the accident occured. These medications probably have a label on them informing the user NOT to drive while taking them. Yet he drove, possibly under the influence of alcohol, or of these, perhaps other prescription drugs or illegal drugs, or some combination of these. Regardless, he had no business driving a car. It is obvious that his judgment is severely impaired.

Representative Kennedy stated he did not ask for any special treatment, but did he accept the special treatment (which most certainly was) given to him without his needing to ask?

How many times in the past year do you think that there has been a one car accident, with driver staggering, slurring words with breath smelling of alcohol, bloodshot eyes, and the police take the driver home without any sobriety tests? Would you get that special treatment were it you?

How many people have died as a result of Ted Kennedy's driving whether impaired or not?

How many Mustangs have died as a result of Patrick Kennedy's driving whether impaired or not?

How many people have died as a result of being shot by Vice President Cheney whether impaired or not?

The one thing these three have in common is that they all avoided talking to the police in time for them to prove to the police that they were sober. Now there are questions. Many of which can never be fully answered.

Read more about it...

ABC News: Officer Disciplined in Kennedy Crash

Think for yourself!

Make up your own mind!


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