A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Monday, May 08, 2006

UNIVERSITY... a free exchange of ideas?

When University of Colorado professor, Ward Churchill, refers to September 11th WTC victims as “little Eichmanns” referencing Adolf Eichmann a high ranking Nazi in WWII, and stating that they deserved to be killed, we are all told that the University is “a free exchange of ideas.” We can disagree with what he said, but we MUST allow him to say it so that University students can make up their own minds having hear from BOTH sides of the argument. While I heard criticism of Mr. Churchill from the Governor of Colorado as well as some in the media, I never heard of a single member of the faculty at the University of Colorado saying anything negative about him or his statements. That is not to say that none made such comments, merely that I never heard any.

Contrast that faculty reaction with the reaction to Scott Savage, a reference librarian at The Ohio State University-Mansfield, who suggested four books written by “conservative” authors. The faculty at The Ohio State University-Mansfield filed sexual harassment charges against him.

Mr. Savage was actually doing his job. Part of his duties are to suggest books for first year students.

However, when the books he suggested differed with the accepted view of the world, Mr. Savage was harassed by the faculty. One of the books apparently mentions that the author does not believe homosexuality to be right. Two openly gay professors apparently felt that if their students were to read that someone disagrees with homosexuality the students may begin to disagree with the practice as well, and we can't have those students making up their own minds after hearing both sides of the argument now can we. The Ohio State University-Mansfield faculty voted UNANIMOUSLY to file sexual harassment charges. Not ONE SINGLE faculty member had the fortitude to stand up for free speech. Not ONE would stand up for the “free exchange of ideas.” Not ONE would stand up and say “We must allow the students to think for themselves.” And every one who did make a stand (vote) stood for censorship.

At the University of Colorado I have not heard of ONE faculty member who would curtail the wildly liberal rhetoric of Ward Churchill, while The Ohio State University-Mansfield faculty expressed their opinion in a unanimous vote to censor the conservative speech of Mr. Savage.

Finally the verdict did come down from The Ohio State University-Columbus. They found what ANY thinking person could not avoid, NO sexual harassment occurred. It would appear that the human resources department at The Ohio State University-Columbus has some common sense. However, what about the faculty in Mansfield?

Is there NOT ONE faculty member at The Ohio State University-Mansfield who believes in free speech?

Is there not ONE who thinks that he or she can make a convincing argument on a subject if there is ANY discussion from the other side?

Do they all feel that they must rig their classrooms so that while they talk about free speech and the free exchange of ideas, they keep out all dissenting views so the sheep... I mean students... come to the one and only acceptable conclusion?

Is that the kind of school to which you want to sent your child? I thought we wanted our kids to think for themselves... lead, and not follow like sheep to a slaughter.

What kind of hypocritical systems are at work in our Universities which would allow faculty to see no problem with defending “liberal” views while censoring “conservative” views, other than the obvious... liberal views are right and conservative views or wrong?

Read more about it...

ADF: OSU librarian slapped with �sexual harassment� charge for recommending conservative books for freshmen - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty

Think for yourself!

Make up your own mind!


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