A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Friday, September 03, 2004

A Rebut to Zell Miller

Senator Kerry and his people have stated and implied that Zell Miller impugned Senator Kerry’s honor by misstating Senator Kerry’s record. John Kerry can SO easily stop Zell Miller in his tracks. I have prepared the following press release for John Kerry to distribute, which speaks to EVERY point made by Senator Miller regarding Senator Kerry's record. All Senator Kerry needs to do is insert dates and resolution numbers where needed. Then state the following, TRUTHFULLY:

I, JOHN KERRY, have NEVER seen America as an occupier, not a liberator.

I, JOHN KERRY, believe with all my heart that our soldiers are liberators abroad and defenders of freedom at home.

I, JOHN KERRY, have NEVER thought that America is the problem, not the solution.

I, JOHN KERRY, never claimed that Carter's pacifism would lead to peace. I knew that it would not.

I, JOHN KERRY, never claimed that Reagan's defense buildup would lead to war. I knew that it would not.

I, JOHN KERRY, never voted against the B-1 bomber. I voted for it on these dates… and these resolutions….(list dates and resolutions)

I, JOHN KERRY, never voted against the B-2 bomber. I voted for it on these dates… and these resolutions….(list dates and resolutions)

I, JOHN KERRY, never voted against the F-14A Tomcat. I voted for it on these dates… and these resolutions….(list dates and resolutions)

I, JOHN KERRY, never voted against the Apache helicopter. I voted for it on these dates… and these resolutions….(list dates and resolutions)

I, JOHN KERRY, never voted against the F-15 Eagle. I voted for it on these dates… and these resolutions….(list dates and resolutions)

I, JOHN KERRY, never voted against the Patriot Missile. I voted for it on these dates… and these resolutions….(list dates and resolutions)

I, JOHN KERRY, never voted against the Aegis air-defense cruiser. I voted for it on these dates… and these resolutions….(list dates and resolutions)

I, JOHN KERRY, never voted against the Strategic Defense Initiative. I voted for it on these dates… and these resolutions….(list dates and resolutions)

I, JOHN KERRY, never voted against the Trident missile. I voted for it on these dates… and these resolutions….(list dates and resolutions)

I, JOHN KERRY, want our U.S. forces armed with (insert a list of all of the above items which were voted for by Kerry)

I, JOHN KERRY, will NEVER under ANY circumstances allow the United Nations to keep the United States from using her military force when the need arises. And I have NEVER made statements to that effect.

I, JOHN KERRY, NEVER, as a war protester, blamed our military.

As a Senator, I, JOHN KERRY, NEVER voted to weaken our military.

I, JOHN KERRY, NEVER voted to deny protective armor for our troops in harms way, far away.

Upon the release of this statement, assuming there are no falsehoods therein, John Kerry can start picking out furniture for the White House.

Read more about it Yahoo! News - Text of Zell Miller's Speech at RNC


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