A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

A Lie by Any Other Name

Senator Kerry has on several occasions stated that he spent Christmas Eve, 1968 in Cambodia. Every time that he states this it is SOLELY to point out the fact that the official United States LIE then, was that there were no U.S. troops in Cambodia at that time. He talks about the irony of possibly dying in a country that his government is LYING about HIS presence in. The ONLY point in ANY of the accounts he makes of this is to describe how TERRIBLE it is that his country was LYING, and to prove that they were LYING. He recited an account of this into the Congressional Record. He even wrote a piece for a newspaper. He really wanted the world to know that his country LIED.

It would appear from the big deal that Senator Kerry made of this, talking of how it is “seared” into his memory, that Senator Kerry HATES the fact that his country LIED about this. It would appear that Senator Kerry HATES LYING. One could conclude that John Kerry would not vote for a LIAR.

It has now been proven that John Kerry was NEVER in Cambodia! At least not anywhere near Christmas time. (After his campaign originally denied that he was EVER in Cambodia they were confronted with the Congressional record. Then, after a couple of days to decide a new strategy, they are now trying to say that it was some other date. Even though Christmas Eve was “seared” into his memory. If one is simply telling the truth does it take days to make it up?) John Kerry recited this story time and again to show how corrupt his country was (is). And in reality, John Kerry was showing his own corruption. During this campaign Senator Kerry has said that his patriotism was called into question over his votes on security issues, etc. I have not heard any serious opponents question this at all. I myself have not.

However, ANY American who would make up a total LIE for the sole purpose of making his country look bad IS NO PATRIOT!

Assume that our country really was lying about troops not being in Cambodia, when there were, as many probably honest people have stated. If some people LIE about it, then the credibility of the whole thing is drawn into question. How many others were LYING? Does Senator Kerry need to “belong” so badly that he would make that up? That is pathetic!

As for this “seared” memory, if someone does something and then forgets having done so, this can be attributed to a poor memory. However, if someone does NOT do something and then “remembers” it, is this not a symptom of some psychosis? Getting a date wrong, forgetting someone’s name, etc. we have all done. But ask yourself this. Have YOU ever remembered doing something which NEVER HAPPENED?

In addition to outright LYING, this also applies to anyone who distorts the truth and misleads people into believing that our country, or its leadership is bad. If you present the truth, without distortion, without placing “facts” out of chronological order to trick people into believing a lie, and the result is that our country is not as good as we want it to be then so be it. However, if an American makes, for example, a movie in which truth is distorted and the viewer is deceived into believing things NOT true, in order to make America look bad, that filmmaker IS NO PATRIOT!

Read more about it, then…

Think for yourself!

Make up your own mind!


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