A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Celebrate Independence Day?

I am an American. I have done little traveling abroad. However, I could see celebrating Christmas in a nation other than my United States. The New Year may be fun in some other nation. But, really these are the only two holidays celebrated internationally on the same day.

There are a couple of holidays not celebrated with much more than a few grilled burgers, which are truly international. Armistice Day and VJ (victory over Japan) which all of the allied countries celebrate with a little less exuberance each year.

If one wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving, for example, in Canada, you would have to do so on a different date than our Thanksgiving, and in reality our Thanksgiving is based on an event which occurred in what is now the United States.

Most other holidays which we celebrate are unique to America, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, President's Day, etc. But the one MOST unique to America, the one I cannot imagine wishing to celebrate in any other country on earth, is Independence Day, July 4th, the birthday of our nation.

There are thousands of Americans living abroad. These Americans celebrate Independence Day in their own ways. Most who do not have a distain for America, would want to celebrate our birthday in the U. S. if it were practical to do so.

So, where do you think that the millionaire, (possibly billionaire) United States Senator John Kerry spent, at least a portion of his Fourth of July? What would you say to, Berlin Germany? With Mr. Kerry's money, he could choose to spend his holiday almost anywhere in the world. Now, it is entirely possible that Mr. Kerry has an itinerary that includes getting back to the U. S. in time to get his picture taken at an American Fourth celebration. But, does this tell us anything about where his heart is?

I am not saying that those patriotic Americans wishing to celebrate, but unable to come home to the States, don't deserve a visit, even on the Fourth. But, is Mr. Kerry there to help Americans in Germany celebrate their country on this holiday? Does he feel that these poor Americans deserve a visit from an American hero on the Fourth of July?

What kind of political adviser would suggest to a presidential candidate that he spend the MOST American of holidays in Germany? What kind of presidential candidate would not tell said adviser to reschedule that trip when it does not fall on our nation's birthday?

As far as some of the substance of the article, how many people were there? The Reuters article reads “dozens” of American and German supporters. How many are dozens? If there were 200 people then it would be hundreds, so clearly, less than 200. I suspect that had there been over 100 that it probably would have read “over 100”. I would go further to suspect that had the number been in the nineties it probably would have read “almost 100”. On the low end, in order to be dozens (plural) you need at least two dozen. So, I think that it is safe to say that there were at least 24. So, the odds are from 24 to 89 American and German supporters were there for Kerry. Now, as for the German supporters, so what? Senator Kerry could have the support of the entire German population and not one can vote for him. Since they mention both American and German supporters, then the American “supporters” must be fewer than the total. Therefore, If the number of total supporters was 24, the absolute MOST American votes he could have been playing for is 23, assuming that all who attended are registered voters. Does this sound like a wise use of Senator Kerry’s campaign funds? I could see driving the campaign bus to a rural American town for 23 votes but, flying to a foreign country to campaign for the presidency of the United States on our nation’s birthday?

Read more about it on Reuters web sight...

and other sources, then...

Think for yourself!

Make up your own mind!


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