A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Terrorism NOT Linked to Saddam?

The New York Times today called on President Bush to apologize for what it calls his "plainly dishonest" effort to link the war in Iraq with the war on terror.

For many years the infamous terrorist Abu Nidal lived under the protection of Saddam. Abu Nidal coordinated attacks on numerous international airlines among his many other exploits. Does this “…link the war in Iraq with the war on terror?”

In April of last year Abu Abbas was arrested in Iraq. Can you say “Achille Lauro?” Does this “…link the war in Iraq with the war on terror?”

It is a well documented fact that Saddam Hussein paid money to the families left behind by Palestinian suicide bombers who killed themselves while killing innocent Israelis. It has been reported that some Palestinian suicide bombers did not have a religious reason for their bombings, but rather found their families in such financial conditions as to see this money as the only way to provide for their families. Assuming that these reports are correct not only did he encourage fanatics in their terrorism, but he also created terrorists from financially distraught individuals who probably would never have done such a thing otherwise. Does this not definitively “…link the war in Iraq with the war on terror?”

Is it not "plainly dishonest" for any news organization to claim terrorism and Saddam were in no way connected? The paper has all of the above connections and more, yet prints these untruths anyway. Why? What could be motivating the paper to call for an apology from the president for being right?

Read what I read at http://www.voanews.com/article.cfm?objectID=56736E36-AD10-4221-BA4DD18415666793 then…

Think for yourself!

Make up your own mind!


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