A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Does Near Billionare Senator Kerry Understand Black America?

"My friends, I will be a president who meets with the leadership of the Civil Rights Congress, who meets with the NAACP," John Kerry told a predominantly black audience in Boston this week. Senator Kerry is SO in touch with black America that his campaign had to correct this statement. He meant Leadership Conference on Civil Rights rather than the Civil Rights Congress. It sounds to me as though this issue is in the forefront of the senators thoughts, right? Familiarity with the names of all the associations from whom you want endorsements is always a good idea. Or was he simply making up something that he thought sounded good at the time?

Later in the Reuters article “Kerry Seeks Gain from Bush Rift with Rights Group”
Mon 12 Jul, 2004
By David Morgan

Kerry is reported to have talked about...

1 “...inequities faced by blacks in criminal justice...”
2 “...inequities faced by blacks in ... education...”
3 “... accusing the Bush administration of pursuing tax cuts for the wealthy at the expense of working families.”
4 “... I saw a separate and unequal school system in America...”
5 “... more African Americans in jail than ... in college.”

(Out of curiosity, if someone commits a crime, regardless of the color of their skin, who's fault does Senator Kerry think it is if they end up in jail?)

And then, after all of these DIVISIVE statements mentioned by Kerry, without mentioning the the TOTAL hypocrisy, the writer, David Morgan, quotes Mr Kerry as saying “... the job of the presidency is not to look for the lowest common denominator of American politics by which you can DIVIDE...”(as Mr. Kerry is reported to have done all throughout this article)”... it's to find the highest common denominator of American politics and unite...” I have read, and reread this article, and I can find no examples of Senator Kerry making any statements uniting anyone. Yet President Bush has appointed Condoleezza Rice, a black woman as national security adviser, and Colin Powell, a black man as Secretary of State. How many black men and women have Democratic presidents appointed to cabinet level positions? Does this mean anything?

FACT FAULT: Mr. Morgan states that “Black voter support could be crucial in the Nov. 2 election, which analysts believe may be as close as the 2000 race, decided in Bush's favor by the U.S. Supreme Court.” I realize that the democratic party wants you to believe that th Supreme Court decided the last election, you know the mantra “selected not elected”, and it would appear that Mr. Morgan has either bought that lie or is attempting to convince his readers of such. The FACT is that the Supreme Court simply decided that after SEVERAL recounts, ALL showing Bush the winner, that the democratic party could not continue recounting until the results were to their liking. Then, after that decision, a group of journalists, I believe using the “freedom of information act” got ballots for the state of Florida, and counted them AGAIN. Obviously the biggest headline from their results would have been had their recount declared Gore to have won the state. At first the reporters refused to even release their re-recount results. I find it ironic that the press used the “freedom of information act” to get the data, but, initially refused to “freely” release the “information” they had when the results were not what they wanted. Can we trust the press to release other information they may have which is not in keeping with their desires? Eventually, since everyone knew they had these results, they broke down and their recount showed again that Bush, in FACT, did win the state, little was made of this, even then. Mr. Morgan, I know that it was not front page news, but, dig a little and I am sure that you can find it. Here, let me help you. The associated press reported on November 12, 2001 in an article titled “Florida recount tallies released”:

“The new data, compiled by The Associated Press and seven other news organizations, also suggested that Gore followed a legal strategy after Election Day that would have led to defeat even if it had not been rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court.”

So, was the election decided by the Supreme Court? Would our country have been better off had there been more recounts until inauguration day, with Bush still winning? I hate it when reporters, with all of the resources at their fingertips get such simple facts wrong. I have access to a minuscule amount of information compared to a big time Reuters reporter like Mr. Morgan, but even I found this in about two minutes on GOOGLE.

Read more about it and…

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Make up your own mind!


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