A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Friday, July 09, 2004

Save Our Planet

I could get on board with some of the “save the earth” stuff if you guys would just tell me the truth. After all, we have only one earth, and even though we probably are not capable of destroying the earth, we can certainly make it inhospitable to some species of animals, including humans. Perhaps even causing our own extinction. THIS IS NOT GOOD!

THE PROBLEM, as I see it, is the lies on BOTH sides of the issues. The only way that I see to begin to repair the ecological problems, i.e. global warming, dwindling rain forests, disappearing coral reefs, extinction of species, etc., is for BOTH sides to admit to their lies, half truths, exaggerations, and then reach some reasonable compromises.

The most radical of environmentalists see the salvation of the earth as nothing short of ceasing all use of fossil fuels, dumping of any waste, cutting of any tree, use of any waterway by boat, etc., TOMORROW. In short, they want the removal of all humans from the planet. (While they preach this, maybe two or three actually practice all of this.) The most radical on the other side want to dump any sort of toxic waste anywhere they can reach by dump truck, pipeline, barge, etc., without regard for the ecological consequences.

If either of these most radical groups gets its way, we are all soon DEAD! I do not think dead is a good idea regardless of how we get there. I know I am not the only reasonable person on the planet. Am I?


When the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” was recently released, NASA told its scientists not to comment publicly on the potential for global warming bringing us to an ice age in three days. Most experts on the subject, including those at NASA, know that the film is NOT a realistic portrayal of what may happen on earth. However, they were told not to comment on the film because, by not debunking it, some people might go to the movie and then be moved to do something about global warming. I am not making this up. I do not have a word for word transcription, but this does represent what they said. Translation: If a lie can get some people to act as we want them to act, then, by all means DO NOT confuse the issue with the truth.

Rush Limbaugh, for some time now, has been saying that we insignificant humans are not capable of changing the global ecology. He says things like, we could not completely remove the ozone layer if we tried to do so. The sun creates new ozone every day. If the President decided to put all of our nation’s resources into totally destroying the ozone, we could not. These are true statements. But, no reasonable person can argue that we are not capable of modifying the world around us, maybe even the ozone layer. We may not be able to completely eliminate it, but we could make enough of a change to it to cause problems. Perhaps, and I do not know because of all of the exaggerations on the part of environmentalists, we could make the planet incapable of supporting human life. Rush is right, there will still be ozone, but I don’t care whether or not there is ozone if the human race is extinct.

Don’t get me wrong, NASA seems to have been well intentioned, and Rush, I am sure, would not advocate a position which he KNOWS to be one which will destroy all human life, including his own. But, can we not agree that neither of these positions is going to improve anything in the long run? The conveyance of false information, whether we know it to be false or not, does not help in any serious discussion.

So, what can you do? First, regardless of the benefits you may think lying about the truth may provide you, refrain from doing so. If you are a proven liar, even when you tell the truth you will not be believed. Give the facts, and only the facts. Second, be more open-minded. Whatever your beliefs, try to look at the facts that do NOT support your position and see if your position needs modification. The other side probably has some points that you can see some value in exploring. Third, and perhaps the most important, get others to be more open-minded and less likely to create lies to support their position. Regardless of which views you tend to hold, the odds are your friends and associates hold similar views. They will be much more open to change when suggested by one of their own than suggestions from the other side. We cannot point fingers at the other side and ask them to change first. We must be willing to change our side, and rationally discuss this to our planet’s benefit.

The light of truth almost always illuminates the correct answer.

Read more about it and…

Think for yourself!

Make up your own mind!


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