A Provocation 2 Thought

Don’t believe everything you read, hear or see (even on this site). Most of the “news” in print, on the radio, and on television is commentary. Not NEWS. Even the “facts” in a story are usually presented in such a way as to leave you thinking as the writer. Sometimes the “facts” are made up, or so distorted they no longer resemble the truth. My goal is to provoke you 2 thought. Read between the lines. Glean truth from many sources. Then… Think for yourself. Make up your own mind.

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Putting Lipstick On A Pig : NPR

A few days ago Barak Obama made a speech in which he used a common colloquialism about putting lipstick on a pig, "but it is still a pig." This is commonly used . I have heard it many times and I have even used it before. When I first heard of the comment I did not actually hear the audio of what was said, I only heard others speaking about it.

My first impression (while being influenced by those recounting the speech) was that it was terrible that Senator Obama would say such a thing about Governor Palin. However, when I heard the context and the audio of Senator Obama's speech I realized that he was not calling the Governor a pig. That was not the context. However, after the lipstick on a pit bull joke told by Governor Palin at the convention, it was obvious that, at a minimum, Senator Obama used poor judgment when he made the comment.

Senator Obama says that he did not mean for the comment to be a dig at Governor Palin. I believe Senator Obama is a shrewed and intelligent man, and I do not think it possible for him to have a line about lipstick on an animal within days of the convention in which one the Governor's most famous lines was of lipstick on an animal, and the intelligent Senator Obama not to have made the connection.

I do not believe Senator Obama is that stupid. Do you? No matter how big an Obama supporter you are, you cannot convince me he is so stupid not to make ANY connection in his brilliant mind.

In order to give Senator Obama cover for his gaff, National Public Radio played a montage of several prominent politicians, including Senator McCain, using the lipstick on a pig analogy. At first I thought, how utterly biased of them to play these clips. In NONE of these instances did the speaker's opponent make a major, national speech about lipstick on an animal just days before these comments. A link at the bottom of this post will let you listen to the NPR reoprt.

Then it hit me. THANK you NPR! By using your influence (and some of my tax money) to try to cover up Senator Obama's blunder you showed me something. Something I otherwise never would have heard.

First let's talk about the joke and the way it was told by all of the others in the montage, the way it is supposed to go.

Joke teller: “You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig.” Audience: “Laugh.”

Now let's look at the way the joke went when Senator Obama told it a few days after Governor Palin made her speech about lipstick on a pit bull.

Senator Obama: “You can put lipstick on a pig,” Audience: “Big laugh.” Senator Obama: “but it is still a pig.” Audience: “Small laugh.”

The audience got the connection to Governor Palin's speech within a split second. They laughed at the setup, not waiting for the punchline. So, if you are to believe Senator Obama, after having hours, perhaps days to read and prepare to give this speech he is so slow that he could not see any connection. The people in his audience on the other hand are obviously far, far brighter than he, since they got it in a fraction of a second.

So answer this. Is he bright and intelligent and knew that he (or at least his speech writer) was trying to take some of Governor Palin's thunder (which is perfectly ok by the way), or is he so slow that he couldn't see the connection? Of course millions of other people got it.

So, what is Senator Obama's I.Q.? Is he intelligent? Did he know his lipstick on a pig comment was most funny in its context with the recent comments of Governor Palin? Did he lie when he said he never saw the connection (and none of his aids saw it to tell him about it before he gave his speech) until someone else had to inform him of it after the speech?

Read (and listen) more about it.

Putting Lipstick On A Pig : NPR

Think for yourself.

Make up your own mind.


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